Summer library closures

May 24, 2019


Back room

Students, you asked for this, and it’s happening!  This coming summer, we will be remodeling the back room of the library to create more study space.


  • Seldom-used materials in the collection will move to another room in the building. You will be able to request these items for checkout as needed.
  • Result: 40% more study space!
  • The entire back room will get a facelift, including new lighting and paint.


Closures — Please PLAN AHEAD for alternate study space if needed!

  • Friday, June 28: the back room will be closed starting at 2 PM.
  • July 1-5: the entire library will be closed the first week of July.
  • Month of July: back room closed.

Access to Collections — Please PLAN AHEAD and check out needed materials ahead of time!

  • Materials in the back room will be off limits starting the afternoon of June 28, through the month of July.
  • Board exam study materials will be available in the front room.

Questions? Library staff are here to answer them. Email us at

Remodel update

March 5, 2019

This coming summer, we will be remodeling the back room of the library to create more and better study space. In February, we held two workshops with NUNM students and designers from BRIC Architecture to get input and reimagine the space.

On February 8, architects Dan Hess and Thea Wayburn of BRIC Architecture led students in a visioning exercise to establish common goals and an overall direction for the project. There were two activities, both involving group work and discussion.

First, students were brokEasel pad showing group brainstormingen into two groups and asked to answer a series of questions:

1. What do you use this space for?
2. What do you like about the current space?
3. What is important to you for this space to feel like?
4. What does the current space lack?
5. How will we know if this project is a success?

The groups then shared these responses with the entire group.

Students voting on sample imagesThe second activity used visuals to connect preferences to specific images. Each individual was given five green (“like it”) and five red (“don’t like it”) dots with which to vote on a variety of images, including library spaces as well as other types of public areas. After voting, the images were re-arranged on three different boards — those with mostly green dots were grouped together on one board, those with mostly red dots were grouped on another, and images with a mix of red and green dots were grouped on a third board.

The group discussed why they voted the way they did. Common themes included liking natural light, use of wood (but not dark wood!), and furnishings that allowed for individual or group study different from study carrels. Common “don’t likes” were dark wood, lack of color or too much color, and spaces that felt excessively modern.

Group design work with blank floor planOn February 22, Dan and Thea were back to lead students in a design activity building from information gathered in the first meeting. Participants broke into three groups. The task: design a new space with the pieces. Each group had a reference floor plan showing the existing layout, a large floor plan with just walls and doors, and a packet of paper pieces representing tables, soft seating, carrels, and bookshelves. Several unnamed pieces were included so each group could incorporate something unique or different in their design.

After about 15 minutes, each group presented their design to the entire group. Then, each group went back to their tables to work on a second option. This second option was again presented to the entire group.


What’s next: in March, we will take these ideas and start refining them into a design plan to work with. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months.

A big thank you to our student volunteers who participated in these exercises!

Year of the Pig festivities

February 4, 2019

On Tuesday, February 5, the library will celebrate the Year of the Pig with festive decorations and treats in the Chinese Herb Library. Stop by the library after 1 PM to sample oranges, candies, and other delicious snacks!

Library remodel needs you!

February 4, 2019

This coming summer, we will be remodeling the back room of the library to create more and better study space. We want student input! In February, we will hold two Friday morning design workshops with BRIC Architecture with the goal of reimagining this space.

Do you study in the back room? Want to get involved? Sign up in the library (use the sign up form at the service desk or drop a slip in one of the yellow boxes) or email University Librarian Noelle Stello at

Extended hours for fall finals

November 27, 2018

Finals are coming (sorry), so the library will be open extra hours to help you get ready to rock your exams. Here are the hours in list form:

Sat 12/1   9 AM-6 PM
Sun 12/2   10 AM-6 PM
Mon 12/3   7 AM-8 PM
Tues 12/4   7 AM-8 PM
Weds 12/5   7 AM-8 PM
Thurs 12/6   7 AM-8 PM
Fri 12/7   7 AM-8 PM
Sat 12/8   9 AM-6 PM
Sun 12/9   10 AM-6 PM
Mon 12/10   7 AM-8 PM
Tues 12/11   7 AM-8 PM
Weds 12/12   7 AM-8 PM
Thurs 12/13   7 AM-8 PM
Fri 12/14  7 AM-6 PM

Don’t worry about memorizing it, though, because we’ll post them in the library, too!

New capstones debut

November 7, 2018

The 2018 CCM capstones are back from the bindery, along with a couple of additions from 2017. The following titles are now listed in the library catalog and will be available on the shelves shortly. Come explore these new additions to the literature!




Using the Hakomi informed method and the contemporary Chinese pulse diagnosis makes Chinese medicine more effective
Reyna Allison

Qigong for multiple sclerosis : a feasibility study
Lita Polly Buttolph

Translating qi : the science of spirit and the phenomenological nature of quantum biology
David Campbell

Shanghan lun — treatment strategies & clinical algorithms
Chelsea Eilts

Causative factor and Bazi
Joonsung Jaden Kim

The shan ren dao within practitioner cultivation : Wang Fengyi’s virtue healing system and the practice of classical Chinese medicine
Emily Lichtenhold

Healing through resonance with classical Chinese medicine
Kyle Rhodes

Walking at dawn : healing traumatic injury
Elizabeth Rowan

Classical Chinese empirical medicine : an evidence based approach to the Shang Han Za Bing Lun
Adam Robert Sapolsky

From fear to wisdom : embodying the symbol of the kidneys for an empowered birth journey
Hillary Mefferd Shue

Moons & tides : seasons of the menstrual cycle
Jeevan Singh

Classical Chinese medicine in space
Michelle Yan

Singing bowls are back

November 2, 2018

photo of several singing bowlsMidway between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice seems like an ideal time for a restorative session of Himalayan singing bowls led by CCM’s Ken Glowacki. Join us on Friday, November 9, at 7 PM for an evening sound bath in a dark and cozy library. You will experience a gentle release of tension and gain re-alignment as you let the soft sounds of singing bowls, gongs, and bells surround you. Come with a yoga mat and pillows or use our chairs. It will be a great way to wrap up the week.

E-book bonanza

September 14, 2018

This summer, we expanded our ebook collection by about 3,000 titles! These include a full range of health and medicine topics, including anatomy and physiology, diseases and their treatment, ethics, health communication, community and global health, Chinese medicine, healthcare management, and so much more. In order to find ebooks in our catalog, search for whatever topic interests you and then filter the results, like this:


  • Go to
  • Find the search box and enter a topic of interest
  • Once you see some search results, look on the left side for Availability
  • Click NUNM Online …
  • Under Resource Type, choose Books

You can read these books online or download a chapter or two to go. Get in touch with a librarian if you want to know more.

Study room remodel

September 14, 2018

photo of study room with monitorThe librarians have been busy bees this summer! In response to your desire for upgrades in the library, the group study rooms now have new paint, new tables, and new chairs.

We also heard concerns about the lighting in those rooms, so we made some adjustments to it, including dimmable LEDs.

And, photo of study room with Chinese herb librarylast but not least, we added a large monitor in one room, which will allow you to screen media or practice presentations.

We’d love to know what you think of these changes.

Old friend, new look

September 14, 2018

screenshot of new catalog pageWhen you search the library catalog for the first time this term, you may notice some changes. Our new user interface has a fresh, modern look and is more user friendly.

Start your search on the library homepage, as usual. On the search results page, you’ll see a new navigation menu that puts important options right at your fingertips.

If you log in to your library account, you will be able to easily see and renew the items you have checked out, as well as track fines and requests. You also have the option to save items to your Favorites for later. We’ll be happy to give you a tour of the new interface any time — just ask!