Midterm exams are right around the corner, which means that the library will be open for extended hours! So, come by if you need a quiet place to read or a space for your study group to get together. We may even have some precious coffee to keep you fueled!
Saturday, February 10th: 9 AM – 6 PM
Sunday, February 11th: 12 PM – 6 PM
Monday, February 12th: 7 AM – 9 PM
Tuesday, February 13th: 7 AM – 9 PM
Wednesday, February 14th: 7 AM – 9 PM
Thursday, February 15th: 7 AM – 9 PM
The 2017 CCM capstones and theses are here! This year we have ten DSOM capstone projects and three MSOM theses, back from the bindery and ready to read. New titles are listed below. Come explore these new additions to the literature!
Taming the piglet : panic attacks in classical Chinese medicine
Ryan C. Gallagher
Chinese medicine and the endocannabinoid system
Heather Gail George
Treating postpartum qi & blood depletion using Japanese neoclassical acu-moxa techniques
Emily Rose Milano Hornback
Weaving dietary therapy together with classical Chinese herbal prescriptions
Maayan Avni
Unblocking the spirit : the treatment of pain in classical Chinese medicine
Joshua Park
Listening to the inner currents of the body : using the art of qigong tuina to transform tension patterns held within
Heather Becker-Brungard
Supplementing post-natal qi : the use of nutritional supplements in pain management from a Chinese medicine perspective
Katharyn Powers
The architecture and expansiveness of the lung organ network in Chinese medicine
Kimberly Kong
“Acupuncture engenders awareness” : examining consciousness through clinical experience and the huangdi neijing lingshu
Arista Gates
The intelligence of the heart : exploring craniosacral therapy through the lens of classical Chinese medicine
Ranee Charan Flinn
The elbow : window to the heart
Alexandra Gotea
Healing through set & setting
Richard Lee
Homeopathy and classical Chinese medicine : with guidance from the yi jing
Kye Peven
If you have stopped by the library in the last couple of weeks, you may have noticed a few changes. This summer, we are working on a redesign of the front room study space. We are bringing in more seating, a much requested standing desk, and tables that you can customize for group work. We are also assessing and moving around reference books to allow for longer checkout periods. Please pardon our progress (and mess) while we make the space better for you. If you are having difficulty finding any resources, please stop by the front desk so we can help you.
We are delighted to welcome Pacific University into the Portland Academic Health Libraries (PAHL) consortium, expanding further the breadth of library materials available to the NUNM community. PAHL is a cooperative arrangement between the libraries of Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Pacific University, National University of Natural Medicine and University of Western States. Students and faculty from each PAHL institution may use any of the other PAHL libraries during their regular open hours and check out materials from their collections. This includes use of online databases when in the library building (access from off campus is not available).
Your NUNM ID card may be used to check out books and other circulating materials from other PAHL libraries. Requests for materials may be made either through our library catalog or through interlibrary loan. The lending library will deliver requested materials to NUNM for you to pick up, and you can return them to our library – we will check them in and return them to their home library.
Questions? Ask us how to search and use the collections of our partner PAHL schools!
Do you have questions about plagiarism? Well look no further! The library has compiled resources to help guide you through the confusing and sometimes frustrating world of plagiarism. This guide goes over the different forms of plagiarism, tips and tools to help avoid it, and real world examples of the damage it can cause. Take a moment to look over ways that you can avoid plagiarism.
March is here and with it brings National Kidney Month. We are celebrating this wonderful organ at the NUNM library with a display on the lovely kidney. Titles include The ABCs of Kidney Disease, Clinical Nephrology in Chinese Medicine, and Renal Physiology. Come by the library and check out the wonderful world of kidneys.
On Friday, January 27 the library will celebrate the Year of the Rooster with festive decorations and treats in the Chinese Herb Library. Stop by the library after the community hour celebration to sample oranges, candies, and other delicious snacks!
If you have ever been curious about what Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is, then the library has the display for you. For the next few weeks, the library will be displaying books chosen by the Ayurveda Club. These books are meant to be a window into the many facets of Ayurvedic medicine and techniques. Some of the books featured in this display are: Ayurvedic Massage, Ayurveda and the Mind, and Scientific Basis for Ayurvedic Therapies. Come by the library and check it out.
There is a new way to find and access the library’s subscribed journals. Click “Journals” on the library website and try it out!
If you are OFF CAMPUS, you will need to log in. Use the same username and password you use for your NUNM email.
You can search all of our journal holdings from one easy search box. Just start typing the title of the journal, and select from the options in the dropdown menu.
Links for full text access appear below the journal title. Be sure to check that the date you are looking for is covered in the date range.
Soon we will begin adding our print journal holdings (physical journals) so you can see what we have available on the shelf in the library. Until that process is complete, the library catalog is the best place to find a comprehensive listing of all journal holdings, both print and electronic.
The first book display of the year is all about thinking, thoughts, and how to make better decisions. Start the year off right by sinking your teeth into some literature that delves into decision making, intuition, and consciousness.
Some titles on display are Blink by Malcom Gladwell, Extraordinary Thinking by Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer, and How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman. Come by the library and check it out.