Meet Sol and Luna

July 26, 2018

male and female acupuncture modelsWe are pleased to introduce Sol and Luna, our new acupuncture models.  These high-quality models stand over two feet tall and were developed in cooperation with experienced European acupuncture specialists. Both contain 396 acupuncture points, with conduction paths colored according to the 5 phases.  Points have no labeling, resulting in a cleaner design and making accurate identification significantly easier.

Sol and Luna reside in a beautiful, new display case next to the front door of the library.  They can be used in the library, or checked out for 4 hours to use outside the library.

Come take these two for a spin!

Survey says:

June 15, 2018

Word cloud of things students like about the library

In March, the library asked NUNM students to participate in the biennial survey. And boy did you deliver! About 58% of the NUNM student body completed the survey (the average response rate of surveys is 30-40%).

Want to see what we learned? Well, we took your advice and made a sign. Come see it now, in the library!

Extended Hours for Finals

June 11, 2018

Hours for FinalsFinals are coming, and we know you need a place to study. We’ve got your back — the library will be open EXTRA HOURS starting this Saturday, June 16! So, come get ready to rock your exams with extended hours!

Food For Fines!

June 4, 2018

Food For FinesThe NUNM Library is teaming up with the Student Life department to help you pay off your library late fines and help your fellow classmates!

All you have to do is bring any non-perishable food items to the Library Office (suite 101b) from June 4th to June 15th, and you’ll receive credit towards your library fines total. 1 item will reduce your fines by $1. So simple!

All food items will be donated to the student food pantry. Any items you can contribute are most welcomed. You will be helping those students and student families who can use a little boost food-wise.

Singing bowls return

May 25, 2018

photo of several singing bowlsJoin us on Friday, June 1 at 7 PM for a restorative demonstration of Himalayan singing bowls by CCM’s Ken Glowacki. At this evening sound bath, you will experience a gentle release of tension and gain re-alignment as you let the soft sound of singing bowls, gong sounds and bells surround you and pass over you. Come with a yoga mat and pillows or use the chairs in the library. It will be a great way to start your weekend.

Extended hours for midterms!

May 4, 2018

Office supplies

Midterm exams are right around the corner, which means the library will be open for extended hours! So, come by if you need a quiet place to read or a space for your study group to get together. We may even have some precious coffee to keep you fueled!

Saturday, May 12th: 9 AM – 6 PM
Sunday, May 13th: 10 AM – 6 PM
Monday, May 14th: 7 AM – 9 PM
Tuesday, May 15th: 7 AM – 9 PM
Wednesday, May 16th: 7 AM – 9 PM
Thursday, May 17th: 7 AM – 9 PM

Singing bowl study break

March 20, 2018

photo of several singing bowls

Need a break from studying? Join us this Friday, March 23 at 7 PM for a restorative demonstration of Himalayan singing bowls by CCM’s Ken Glowacki. At this evening sound bath, you will experience a gentle release of tension and gain re-alignment as you let the soft sound of singing bowls, gong sounds and bells surround you and pass over you. Come with a yoga mat and pillows or use the chairs in the library. It will be a great way to start your weekend.


March 7, 2018

library survey promotional signStudents, you are invited to participate in the 2018 Library Survey. Your input from this survey will influence planning decisions and help us determine where improvements are needed.

Based on past survey feedback, we’ve installed soundproof doors between the front and back rooms of the library; remodeled and added seating to the front room of the library; added a color printer, and much more.


There will be prizes!! Survey respondents can enter to win the “daily drawing” ($3 to spend at Refuel) AND one of four $30 gift certificates to either New Seasons or Amazon.

Oregon Food Bank Challenge: if we get 300 survey responses, the library will donate $100 to the Oregon Food Bank. If we get 600 responses, we will donate $200.

This survey takes an average of 10-15 minutes to complete and your answers will be anonymous. Take the survey now!

Celebrate Chinese New Year

February 15, 2018

festive 2018 imageOn Friday, February 16 the library will celebrate the Year of the Dog with festive decorations and treats in the Chinese Herb Library.  Stop by the library after 1 PM to sample oranges, candies, and other delicious snacks!

New laptop and phone chargers available!

February 14, 2018
Laptop chargers
New laptop chargers at the library

Did you get a new laptop or phone but forgot your charger at home? You’re in luck! SGA has purchased several Apple, Android, and Microsoft Surface chargers, and they are available for you to checkout now! All you need to do is ask at the front desk. Not sure which charger works for your device? We can help you figure that out too.